Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Practicum reflection paper example

Practicum reflection paper example

practicum reflection paper example

Final Reflection Paper On Teaching Practicum One M.A. in TESOL BRAC Institute of Language (BIL) Summer m Supervised by: Mr. Sayeedur Rahman, PhD Academic Advisor, TESOL ta ot Presented by: Narottam Chandra Sil Student ID # ar Submitted on: N 06 August, BRAC Institute of Language (BIL) 66, Mohakhali, Dhaka, , blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins  · This essay will specifically focus on my understanding of assessment and how it directly informs instruction; to reflect upon my experiences and progress and to evaluate my practice in terms of the aforementioned standards, and to evaluate my learning in terms of my experience, my ability to administer assessment and utilise student and class data, to assess the impact of specific activities I carried out during the practicum Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins  · Sample Paper on Practicum Reflection. Choosing to take a course in public health is probably the best choice that I made. It has really opened up my mind to opportunities and made me more conscious of my environment and the people around me. The roles of public health that I have learnt include monitoring of health in the community; diagnosis of Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

(PDF) Final Reflection Paper On Teaching Practicum One | Narottam Dev Sharma - blogger.com

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in TESOL BRAC Institute of Language BIL Summer m Supervised by: Mr. Sayeedur Rahman, PhD Academic Advisor, TESOL ta ot Presented by: Narottam Chandra Sil Student ID ar Submitted on: N 06 August, BRAC Institute of Language BIL 66, Mohakhali, Dhaka,Bangladesh.

It is like looking into a mirror and describing what one sees. It is an important element to practicum reflection paper example form of study or learning. It is equally significant for both students and teachers. It helps prepare a teacher for the unpredictable events to come. It is about questioning, practicum reflection paper example, in a positive way, m what one does and why one does it and then deciding whether there is a better, or more efficient, way of doing it in the future.

ta My paper is divided into three parts: Part —I entitled The Entire Course deals with the essentials of the course, Part — II entitled Connecting Theory to Practice deals with the methods, ot approaches and theories I applied to my peer teaching and microteaching sessions and how I applied to and finally, Part — III entitled My Learning from the Course deals with what I learnt from the course Teaching Practicum One.

ar PART- I The Entire Course N The course Teaching Practicum One was comprised of three essential parts: 1 Class Observation Class observation was the first and foremost part of practicum reflection paper example course. For class observation all the students registered for the course were divided into six groups to observe the classes of the teachers who are working at BRAC Institute of Language BIL.

I belonged to group A which was comprised of three members: Narottam Chandra Sil, Riyyan Mahbub and Mukta Khanom. Class observation and report writing on it were mandatory for all the students of the course. As a group member I observed five classes and wrote five respective reports on them. For this, we, all the students had to conduct two classes each. After the class the students provided the teacher student who was conducting the class with feedback and also evaluated him giving numbers.

For each class 10 marks was assigned for every student. Practicum reflection paper example the entire semester two peer teaching sessions practicum reflection paper example held and I am very happy to take part in those, practicum reflection paper example. I also wrote reports on peer teaching as it was mandatory compulsory for all the students. For this purpose, all the students of the course were divided into four groups.

I belonged to group D. I am very happy that for microteaching practicum reflection paper example special students were arranged. I am thankful to our supervisor, Dr sayeedur Rahman that he managed all the things with great care for us despite having business.

The learners were divided into two groups: Beginners — from class IV - VIII and Elementary — from class IX — XI, practicum reflection paper example. Each class was conducted by a group of four since it was divided into four segments, practicum reflection paper example.

I conducted six sessions in six microteaching classes with both the groups — m Beginner and Elementary and also wrote two reports — one is on self-reflection and the other is on peer reflection after every microteaching session. All the students were asked to maintain documentation of the performed tasks by keeping portfolios. I t was a way t o begin a process of reflect ion since it is purely personal. I t ent ailed t he docum ent s of all act ivit ies, ot cont ribut ion e. lesson plans, m at erials and feedback received from t he inst ruct ors or peers.

I t did require a cert ain discipline in t aking t he t im e t o do it on a regular basis. ar PART — II Connecting Theory to Practice N From the course, I learnt how to connect different methods and approaches as well as theories to practice and applied my learning to all the sessions I took part with both the groups.

I conducted the class in target language English and when any student failed to understand any point or instruction, I clarified it by judicious use of L1 Bengali. Cooperative learning exercises were set to develop the less competent students with help from more skillful peers - within the ZPD. Students learnt a lot from their peers while working in pairs. Apart from this, I provided them appropriate assistance which boosted the students enough to achieve the task.

Language concepts that are relatively easy for learners to acquire practicum reflection paper example introduced first in the class and then scaffolding was used to introduce more difficult concepts. My goal was to make learners able to communicate effectively. Comprehensible input was provided as much as possible since the learners were not exposed to the TL outside practicum reflection paper example classroom.

That is why, I created a more effective opportunity for language acquisition of ta the students. In addition, when they were fearless of embarrassment or negative criticism, they were more willing to express their ideas and ar participate in class. Thus, it was my goal to create an environment in which students feel comfortable to learn. N PART - III My Learning from the Course Along with the learning of connecting theories to practice I also learnt many crucial facts from the entire course.

They can be arranged logically in the following manner. It taught me that proper selection of approach certainly makes a class unique. Above all, I learnt that teachers should always be ready to face any challenges. I also learnt that successful lesson execution depends on proper techniques and these should be best suited for the learners. Apart from this, it made me aware of my blind-self pointing to the areas to improve.

My own teaching provided me with hands on experience from real-time classes on the one hand and o the other hand it gave me chances to work collaboratively. Apart from these, I learnt designing lesson plans, selecting appropriate materials, setting tasks, time and technique for a successful class. I also learnt from feedback given by my supervisor and students. The course compelled me to invest time and effort as well as it triggered me in practicum reflection paper example understanding of the lesson in advance.

It also made me realize when to apply what method or content for appropriateness, practicum reflection paper example. It also let me know the areas to focus on for improvement.

ar ฀ Writing Reports on Peer Observation and on Self-reflection Writing reports on peer observation and on self-reflection were the two significant phases of learning of the course. It was mandatory for all the students of the course to maintain portfolios. Keeping portfolio helped me to a great extent. I am grateful to my supervisors for all practicum reflection paper example positive roles, instructions and feedback. I am also grateful to my peers as I have learnt so many things from them.

As a teacher trainer I would say that the experience I have gathered from this course will certainly bring me success in my training career. Related Papers Self-Reflection Report On Microteaching-1 BRAC Institute of Language BIL By Narottam Dev Sharma. Assisted Performance Between The Trainer And The Trainee: Pragmatizing Practice Teaching By SMART M O V E S J O U R N A L IJELLH.

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How to Write a Reflection Essay

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Reflection of My Clinical Practicum Free Essay Sample

practicum reflection paper example

 · Reflection Paper About Practicum. Good Essays. Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. As I look into the near future, I can not help but find myself nervously awaiting the arrival of my field practicum  · Reflection of My Clinical Practicum Essay Example The doctor ordered: “2 NS boluses, cc each and 2 units of PRBC’s and to increase the IV maintenance from 75cc/hr to cc/hr. ” I hung up the IV bags and set up the IV pump, then I called the blood blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Sample Paper on Practicum Reflection. Choosing to take a course in public health is probably the best choice that I made. It has really opened up my mind to opportunities and made me more conscious of my environment and the people around me. The roles of public health that I have learnt include monitoring of health in the community; diagnosis of Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

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