Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Diversity in education essay

Diversity in education essay

diversity in education essay

 · Although the diversity essay is a common admissions requirement at many colleges; most schools do not specifically refer to this essay as a diversity essay. At some schools, the diversity essay is simply your personal statement, whereas at others it’s a supplemental essay or short answer  · Diversity Secondary Essay Examples: by Evan Shih, DGSOM MS3. As a heterosexual Asian-American male from an immigrant family with aspirations of applying to medical school, I wasn’t exactly jumping to the top of anybody’s diversity checklist, at least not in the classic sense of “racial background, sexual identity, and social background”  · Diversity can also be found in a classroom full of students with a variety of learning styles and abilities. All of these differences are what make each of us unique in our own special way. It is because of these variations, not in spite of, that people, young and old, are drawn together

Essay on Diversity in Education - Words | Bartleby

Do you ever grasp all the exceptionalities that exhibit in your classroom? Each play an extravagant role in your classroom. Having these exceptionalities will make you change your teaching ways in a positive way. My objective is to tell and show you all the crucial factors when trying to help diversity in education essay students strive and leave no stone unturned.

When dealing with gender diversity in your classroom, there are many things to consider. One being differences between the male and female gender. This could be their developmentation.

Females tend to develop faster than males, which can then lead males to be a year behind females, making them more objective to being held back. Stereotype states that girls tend to be less assertive, and generally are extroverted, trusting, and anxious, while boys are active, diversity in education essay, and have a hard time staying in their seat. This can be caused by how teachers and parents talk towards the child. For example, if a parent talks to her daughter and is strict with her, and tells the girl that she needs to act, and be a certain way.

This can make girls more self-conscious, diversity in education essay, as well as making boys feel like they can do and say whatever they want. This may not diversity in education essay to every child. There are many things you can do to ensure that each gender is treated equally in your classroom.

Another important consideration, is designing your classroom where the gender is mixed in seating. Giving students an opportunity to work diversity in education essay the opposite gender, and showing their ability to succeed is important for each to feel success.

Doing this will assure you that you are giving every student the same opportunity to thrive. While some teachers may not pay attention to gender in their school, specific genders may be feeling more pressure put on them when it comes to disciplinary actions. But when it comes to classwork the teacher expects more from the female than the male. Both of these examples show that discipline is more heavily set on females, diversity in education essay, because teachers expect more of them because of stereotyping.

This diversity in education essay not apply to every student, teacher, or situation. There are many pros and cons of both sides. There are also many cons of a same-sex classroom. Many teachers may not have the training to employ gender-specific teaching techniques. Though there is no definite answer whether same-sex school is more beneficial, society is always changing, and so will it.

Which predicts how well a school is doing through their progress, the amount of dropouts, and suspensions. If, a school has low SES socioeconomic status than they are more prone to falling below basic levels. This is because students cannot focus in school, because they are more worried about the psychological needs. This could lead to students being more dependent on their school when it comes to food, and health from the nurse.

Government believes that there are levels of poverty and are based on income, and are affected by the cost of living. Having students who have a high SES may not have diversity in education essay worry about psychological needs as much as low SES students. With students in poverty no matter what level, they will need some assistance. A student in poverty is worrying about health, experience emotional and social instability, and most likely lives in an unstable environment.

Sometimes work in the classroom may be too difficult for a student to understand, diversity in education essay. Culture Diversity in the classroom has grown immensely since segregation has ended.

And today still we are struggling with allowing everyone diversity in education essay feel fit in. Could this be because schools may have one certain race more than the others? Giving students the resources they need can impact diversity in education essay well they develop as a student.

Assimilation is about taking in new ideas socially and trying to understand them fully, while developing a certain behavior. The plan was that Americans would help the immigrants become American. The idea of it seemed like it would work. But teaching about cultures and giving students the confidence they need could shape that. A gifted and talented student could be defined as someone who performs at a higher capability than other students. One who may be smarter in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership capacity, or specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities.

But also looking at how much they know about the world still as a child. School may be easy for these students academically, but if they are bored in school, this could cause them to stop paying attention.

Teachers should provide them more difficult work that matches their level, but also encouraging them to keep learning. For example, if a classroom were to have everyone read the same book, and write a paper on it, that book may be too easy for a gifted child. In return, they should be given a book that discusses the same content, but is way more advanced. The students who need assistance to strive are not just gifted and talented students, but also student with disabilities.

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was developed inwhere the government allowed children with disabilities to have an appropriate public education that addresses their individual needs. A student who has disabilities, parent can work with a team of educators to help the student learn and succeed.

Teachers should be wary on how they teach. Though there may be alternate ways to help the student, you should discuss this during IEP meetings. Since you have learned about all of the exceptionalities in the classroom would you change your teaching?

Did you realize how much of it can affect students lives? This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. You can order our professional work here. We use cookies to offer you the best experience. You cannot copy content from our website. If you need this sample, insert an email and we'll deliver it to you. Only on Eduzaurus. The Impact of Culture Diversity in the Classroom on Teaching, diversity in education essay.

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Ed-Talk: The Potential Benefits of Diverse Schools and Classrooms - Amy Stuart Wells

, time: 5:52

diversity in education essay

diversity in education essay

Essay On Equity And Diversity In Education I believe by incorporating multicultural education as well as aspects of equity and diversity into the classroom, young students will become more aware of the increasing need of awareness of the cause Such as gender, poverty, cultural diversity and, gifted and talented/special education. Just by observing a classroom you can watch some/all of these exceptionalities take place. A parent, educator, student, or just a normal individual has the capability to affect a student’s life positively, all you need to do is  · Colleges want a diverse student body that’s made up of different backgrounds, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and interests. These essay prompts are a way for them to see what students can bring to their school. These culture and diversity essay examples were all written by real students. Read these examples to inspire your writing

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