Yateley School is a popular comprehensive school. Our school has a superb range of facilities across all areas of the curriculum. We have had specialist status in performing arts since Geography GCSE revision section for Agriculture, Coastal Landscapes, Development, Ecosystems, Industry, Managing Resources, Mudslides, Population, River Landscapes Educating your child at home is a big commitment and there's a lot to think about. If you are considering it our guidance can help you make your decision. Read the latest Department for Education (DfE) letter providing guidance of educating your child at home and COVID (PDF, KB)
Using ICT | CCEA
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WJEC GCSE ICT Unit 2 controlled test- Spread sheet intorduction
, time: 6:49Bentley Academic Technology Center | Bentley University
Yateley School is a popular comprehensive school. Our school has a superb range of facilities across all areas of the curriculum. We have had specialist status in performing arts since blogger.com Coursework, Essay & Homework assistance including assignments fully Marked by Teachers and Peers. Get the best results here The curriculum requirements for Using ICT are set out under the 5 ‘E’s: Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit. These apply to all pupils in primary school, from Year 1 to Year 7. Explore includes two statements. Teachers need to cover both to meet the statutory requirements. The first statement is about looking for, finding, choosing and using information
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