Jul 18, · René Descartes' () "Proofs of God's Existence" is a series of arguments that he posits in his treatise (formal philosophical observation) "Meditations on First Philosophy," first appearing in "Meditation III. of God: that He exists."and discussed in more depth in "Meditation V: Of the essence of material things, and, again, of God, that He exists." In Third Meditation, Descartes argues the existence of God for the first time. His argument is known as the cognitive causal principle and goes like this: 1) The cause of an idea must contain formally (or eminently) as much reality as the idea contains objectively. 2) My idea of God Nov 12, · The causal argument for God’s existence contained Descartes’ argument that he believes will demonstrate that all perfection is derived by God. Although Descartes recognizes that God may be an imperfect being, he also can consider him as a perfect being as well
Descartes Argument for the Existence of God - Freeessaysample
Home Philosophy Existence of God. Whilst there has been a plethora of beliefs and faith regarding god, the basic premise of a supreme being or beings that hold perfect qualities such as omnipotence, omniscience and Omnibenevolence argument descartes essay existence free god present throughout time. The philosophers I will be examining; Plato and Descartes, come from different eras and intrinsically hold different beliefs, thus their philosophies on god differ.
That is to argument descartes essay existence free god that his thoughts have truth. Argument descartes essay existence free god meditator the speaker in meditations has to establish if God is deceiving him about being.
It would be inconsistent with this belief that a God could be deceiving and thus Descartes rejects this. So to support his epistemological theory, he must prove the existence of God. God is the creator of all perfection, an infinite being and this leads us to his casual argument for the Existence of God. He is setting out to prove that God is an innate idea, in other words, an ontological truth, argument descartes essay existence free god, not a fabrication a production of his imagination to prove that a person can hold truths about being that are not just inventions of the mind.
Applying this to the view of God, it is the idea of how a finite being the human could have developed the idea of an infinite being God if it was not from the infinite being itself. That is to say that the cause of the idea of God must have at least as much formal reality as the idea of God has objective reality, argument descartes essay existence free god.
If this proves true then God provided the idea of God himself therefore he must exist and thus the argument for his existence is proven. However there are issues that are presented within Descartes ontological argument in Meditations III.
In Descartes text, he just inferred that God must exist through assumption. However Descartes defends his bridge principal going from the idea of existence to existence itself through the theory of clear and distinct perception in Meditations IX: that anything we perceive or understand is true. Descartes avoids the idea of imperceived effects of body on the mind, effects that could change the belief that God himself planted the idea of God.
Plato and Descartes have different fundamental reasons for their discussion surrounding God. Some believe that Plato speaks of God when he speaks of the form of good, the highest of all the forms. It is when they could get out of the cave and see things in the light they would not return to the darkness.
True knowledge is the Form of Good and it is the most fundamental thing in existence. That is to say, the ultimate Good knowledge illuminates understanding as light illuminates objects.
However, there is no logical evidence that it refers to a higher being such as a God, particularly one of an early Christian god, when Plato lived in a polytheistic society. While Descartes is aiming to prove the truth to his thoughts, and thus proves the reality of God.
Plato wishes to explain how the utopian Kallipolis will benefit from ideas about the gods. This is problematic as while the Gods are being presented as all-good they seem to being used here as a suggestion at social control and thus are not the attempt at proof that Descartes discusses. However, it is plausible to think that a God could exist even if it is not necessary that he does exist, so while it is a weak argument it is not completely illogical.
Whereas in regard to Plato, his theory of a Form of Good relates to a view of God that is a higher being, the ultimate truth. Then the gods become a focus in Republic as a means of education for the guardians and achieving the true societal ideal in the Kallipolis. That is to say that, gods are seen as good and their actions or at least perceived actions need to be followed in the utopia.
As an atheist, I personally do not find any of these ideas convincing but I can relate to the need for true goodness and do think both provide an interesting debate on the issue of God. Accessed October 6, Comparison of Descartes and Hobbes. Descartes Proofs For Existence of God. The Connection Between God and Religion.
Existence of God: Cosmological and Teleological Arguments. Modern View on Existence of God. Existence of God and Religion.
Greek Religion and Mythology. René Descartes: God and the Soul. I'm Peter! Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one? This is not an example of the work written by our writers. This is just a sample You can get your custom paper from our expert writers. Descartes Proofs For Existence of God Pages : 4 words. The Connection Between God and Religion Pages : 12 words.
Existence of God: Cosmological and Teleological Arguments Pages : 4 words, argument descartes essay existence free god. Modern View on Existence of God Pages : 5 words. Existence of God and Religion Pages : 5 words. Greek Religion and Mythology Pages : 9 words. René Descartes: God and the Soul Pages : 5 words. Related essay Topics Rene Descartes essays Virtue Ethics essays Time essays Socrates essays Utilitarianism essays Existentialism essays Plato essays Transcendentalism essays John Locke essays Free Will essays Meaning of Life essays Rene Descartes essays Reality essays Immanuel Kant essays Self Reflection essays Allegory of The Cave essays Plato essays Immanuel Kant essays Truth essays Philosophy of Education essays.
Check it out, argument descartes essay existence free god.
Descartes’s Proofs for God’s Existence (See links below for Descartes's Theory of Knowledge)
, time: 8:03Analysis of Descartes’ Wax Argument on the Existence of God: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Apr 02, · With regards to the idea of God, Descartes claims, that because God is a higher being of complete knowledge – something Descartes cannot fully comprehend or imagine – that the idea must have been placed in Descartes by God himself. Though Descartes has the ability to acknowledge God’s existence, he does not have the capability to create the idea of such an infinite being Dec 10, · Home — Essay Samples — Philosophy — Rene Descartes — Analysis of Descartes’ Wax Argument on the Existence of God This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Nov 12, · The causal argument for God’s existence contained Descartes’ argument that he believes will demonstrate that all perfection is derived by God. Although Descartes recognizes that God may be an imperfect being, he also can consider him as a perfect being as well
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