Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Dissertation school violence

Dissertation school violence

dissertation school violence

Usf dissertation database an bike essay problem and solution essay task 2 Research paper about violence school school about paper Research violence, good five paragraph essay examples paper school violence about Research. Examples of sociology dissertation questions, private school versus public school essay Responding to Students Exposed to Community Violence: A. Mixed Methods Study of Teachers’ Perceptions of Trauma-Informed Service Delivery. Published Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, University of Northern Colorado, This mixed methods study Author: Destiny Marie Waggoner suicide. Underestimation of the problem of cyberbullying and its association with school violence at the local school level can have dire and sometimes deadly consequences at school and in the community. As well, lack of appropriate preparation for and response toCited by: 1

Research paper about school violence

Joseph Augustus WhittingtonFordham University. This dissertation presents a case study of violence in schools. It presents an examination of the types of violence that occurred at Riverside High School in Brooklyn, causes of violence, dissertation school violence, effects, initiatives that the school applied to combat violence, and the results of those initiatives. The review of literature presents the views of many educationists, dissertation school violence, psychologists, sociologists, and other professionals.

The review also presents a brief history and overview of the problem of violence in schools as well as the theories of violence. From the perspectives of students, teachers, administrators, dissertation school violence, and members of the community, there are many who believe that violence in American dissertation school violence has become one of the main concerns in the field of education during recent years.

Most educationists, as well as dissertation school violence of the general public, view the problem of violence in schools as not merely a school problem, dissertation school violence, but as a larger problem of the community that is imported into the school because of various reasons.

Most individuals agree that violence has no place in the schools, and that schools ought to formulate contingency plans to deal with student violence should it occur. But very little has been done because within the various studies, reports, and conferences that had been undertaken, not much had been done in the direction of reliably discovering and documenting the causes of violence in the schools.

There are a few studies that have shown that there are steps that schools can take to establish and maintain control of violence in schools. At Riverside High School, the first step was the establishment of a Restructuring Committee that was composed of students, teachers, dissertation school violence, administrators, parents, and members of the community and who desired to work toward charting a new direction for the school. The committee first undertook an indepth and comprehensive evaluation of the programs and events that had been taking place dissertation school violence the school with the view of effecting an overall plan for school discipline and safety.

This Restructuring Committee then adjusted a few existing programs and activities, discontinued several, and introduced several new initiatives.

Local personnel and other resources from within the school and the community that were formerly underutilized, or were formerly not utilized, were now fully utilized. The students, teachers, administrators, parents, and members of the community who desired positive change collectively worked toward effecting positive changes, dissertation school violence, and they achieved positive changes, dissertation school violence.

Further, the results of the study at Riverside High School reveal that although a school may be located in a poor urban neighborhood that has been constantly submerged in crime, unemployment, prostitution, and various drug subcultures, and is plagued by violence, there are initiatives that can be successfully applied to combat violence.

But such initiatives must be designed to satisfy the needs and maintain the interest of the community that would then become fused with the school, thereby forming the nucleus of sustained positive changes that will continuously maintain their interest while fulfilling their needs, as well as the needs of the school. Whittington, Joseph Augustus, "School violence: A case study of initiatives to combat violence at Riverside High School" ETD Collection for Fordham University. Advanced Search, dissertation school violence.

Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement. Privacy Copyright. Skip to main content. Home About FAQ My Account. School violence: A case study of initiatives to combat violence at Riverside High School Joseph Augustus WhittingtonFordham University Abstract This dissertation presents a case study of violence in schools.

Subject Area School administration Educational sociology Educational psychology Criminology Recommended Citation Whittington, dissertation school violence, Joseph Augustus, "School violence: A case study of dissertation school violence to combat violence at Riverside High School" DOWNLOADS Since August 24, Search Enter search terms:. in this repository across all repositories. Digital Commons.

School Polices \u0026 Practices for Violence Prevention - Research2Practice Webinar

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CU Denver School of Public Affairs Research and Impact

dissertation school violence

suicide. Underestimation of the problem of cyberbullying and its association with school violence at the local school level can have dire and sometimes deadly consequences at school and in the community. As well, lack of appropriate preparation for and response toCited by: 1 Responding to Students Exposed to Community Violence: A. Mixed Methods Study of Teachers’ Perceptions of Trauma-Informed Service Delivery. Published Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, University of Northern Colorado, This mixed methods study Author: Destiny Marie Waggoner TITLE School Violence and Student Achievement in Reading and. Mathematics among Eighth Graders. PUB DATE NOTE p.; Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at. Urbana-Champaign. PUB TYPE Dissertations/Theses Doctoral Dissertations () Tests/Questionnaires ()

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