Therefore, obesity is majorly caused by poor lifestyle including eating disorder and lack of exercise, which leads to medical, academic and socio-emotional consequences. Obesity is linked to poor dietary preferences, parental upbringing classified in to socio-cultural, psychological, environmental and · Moreover, obesity causes diabetes, especially among adults as the body may become resistant to insulin. This resistance may lead to a high level of blood sugar, which is fatal. Besides health complications, obesity causes an array of psychological effects, including inferiority complex among victims Lifestyle is a second main cause of obesity. As a result of cheap foreign labour, many Emiratis now have sedentary jobs, and do not exercise regularly. However, one of the main causes is lack of education and awareness. The society’s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption. Parents do not teach good eating habits to children, and many people lack knowledge about good nutrition or a balanced diet
Cause and Effect: Obesity –
Obesity is one of the most common problem that caused by unhealthy eating causes and effects of obesity essay. Also, many other health problems will appear if people do not care about what they eat. Furthermore, people who have poor diets can affect other people around them; therefore, it is important to have the government advises what food will be healthy to put in daily meal. Knowing what is good for health and tasty is what people want, causes and effects of obesity essay, but most of them do not know what are the food.
Also, If the food industries were to keep posting the calories on a menu, that helps a person to see how much they are consuming. There are some cases where the consumer is so caught up in food due to stress, depression, or even just because they have no self control and become obese because of these issues. Another easy solution to help end obesity is exercising daily.
There comes a time when freely eating has to come to an end because as people get older, the more increased risk they have of being obese. Most people are not educated enough to know what the food will do to them long-term. Fast food or any type of unhealthy eating products is what leads to obesity and lifelong health problems.
This epidemic has been prolonged enough, and has given much intensification in todays world. The solution is to be more aware of the effects on obesity and to educate people to take precaution on the impact on this disease.
As a society it is causes and effects of obesity essay to encourage each other on how important it is to feeling and being healthy. There should be more organic markets available, and less fast food restaurants to make it easier for the community to make healthier choices.
Healthcare should also not cover surgeries that help with obesity, but instead give nutritional therapy that will give patients a better mind set of a living a well balanced life. This kind of regulation should be enough for people to get information about the food that they are going to eat.
However, people are not responsible for what cause them to be obese before they are even born. The authors are right when they say that people can change themselves if they want to and if they have the will to do so, causes and effects of obesity essay, but there is always exception to that, and that is when people have no control over their choices or over their circumstances.
There are many complex factors that lead to obesity and people have no control over. These factors can be the chemicals in the environment and the change in thermodynamics which cause the cells in the body to earn fat faster and cause obesity. Apart from medication and diet, the doctor may encourage the patient to work out or do exercise which may end up requiring money.
Other effects of the disease in, the patient may be stressed by the condition. It may lead to weight stigma where the patient does not interact with the other people for fear causes and effects of obesity essay being ridiculed and may result in social isolation.
The primary concern is to reduce the prevalence of obesity because it is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…. Obesity is a major public-health problem in the United States. Obesity comes over time by consuming more calories than the body burns. Obesity contributes to diseases such as heart and liver disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis, high cholesterol and blood pressure, gallstones, and certain cancers.
Eating healthy can dramatically reduce your risk for each of these chronic diseases. That is because these chronic diseases share common conditions or risk factors that pertain to everyday choices and personal health habits.
There is also much variety in whole foods, most foods that are processed start off by whole foods. People are not aware of all the health problems they are proponed to because of processed foods. As can be seen the government is not helping by informing us because of economy factors. Eating the right food is very important to consumers who are food lovers.
Third, counseling is needed for consumers who do not know on where to start their diet program. They do not know about anything; hence, a counselor is there for them. Consumers may rely as much as they want on counselor; however, these days most consumers just look up in the Internet on how to start on diet and what healthy food to eat.
They do not rely on counselor these days, as it is also a waste of money to spend. With so many things to worry about, it is understandable that eating healthy is usually not a top priority. People do not realize how much a poor diet can affect their mental health. Millions of people across the globe fall victims to mental illness and often wonder why or how. Mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression can arise due to poor eating habits.
Foods high in calories and low in nutrients, such as extremely sugary or salty foods, are the biggest factor in an unhealthy diet. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards.
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Causes \u0026 Effects of Obesity- Listening and note taking lesson
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Obesity also causes blood pressure to rise, and because of the high blood pressure it causes the heart to over work, and weakens the heart muscle. This causes the blood vessels to harden, which creates a greater chance of getting a blood clot increase, which makes Obesity also causes blood pressure to rise, and because of the high blood pressure it causes the heart to over work, and weakens the heart muscle. This causes the blood vessels to harden, which creates a greater chance of getting a blood clot increase, which makes it more likely to have a stroke or heart attack Lifestyle is a second main cause of obesity. As a result of cheap foreign labour, many Emiratis now have sedentary jobs, and do not exercise regularly. However, one of the main causes is lack of education and awareness. The society’s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption. Parents do not teach good eating habits to children, and many people lack knowledge about good nutrition or a balanced diet
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