Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Alcohol advertising essay

Alcohol advertising essay

alcohol advertising essay

A study on the youth to alcohol advertising found that underage youth are drawn to music, animal and people characters, story and humor in alcohol advertising The three most popular alcohol ads among youth in the study used animal characters as the leading blogger.coml advertisements overwhelmingly connect ads of alcohol with attributes particularly connected to youth and children using those exact  · The effects of alcohol advertising can be evaluated as either ethical or unethical in the eyes of consumers. After extensive research, it has become apparent that the advertising of alcoholic products has no direct causation to the consumptions of alcohol. Although advertising does have a minimal effect on consumers, the act of drinking alcohol cannot be directly related back to advertising, Alcohol and tobacco advertising causes peer pressure to young people and influences them to start smoking and drinking. You can’t even let your child watch TV because of all of the alcohol advertising that is going on. Commercials on TV always are advertising alcohol they talk about how cool it can be but they never say the danger it can bring

Original Papers: Alcohol advertising and youth essay writing FREE Bibliography!

The effects of alcohol advertising can be evaluated as either ethical or unethical in the eyes of consumers. After extensive research, it has become apparent that the advertising of alcoholic products has no direct causation to the consumptions of alcohol. Although advertising does have a minimal effect on consumers, the act of drinking alcohol cannot be directly related back to advertising, alcohol advertising essay, nor can it be banned from society or removed from the context of reality.

Alcohol advertising does not directly promote alcoholism or underage drinking, therefore advertising alcohol is not unethical and can not be held responsible for the actions of those who misuse it.

Regulation and Link Between Advertising and Consumption. There is no doubt that there is an alcohol misuse problem in the United States, but alcohol advertising essay to research from The University of Texas at Austin, there is little to no evidence supporting that advertising contributes to this epidemic or even to overall alcohol consumption.

Research derived by Professor Gary Wilcox found that in forty years of alcohol sales, per capita consumption did not change despite alcohol advertising increasing by more than percent in the United States Richards, Continuing to expand on this, the study also cites strong evidence that the effects of alcohol advertising are limited primarily to brand selection in adults, alcohol advertising essay.

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Essentially noting that the goals of alcoholic advertisements are no different than the goals of any other product: to increase brand awareness. Alcohol brands and outlets have already fully accepted the understanding that their marketing must be undertaken in a measured, responsible manner and is targeted at appropriate audiences. For example, if there was no advertising about alcohol, there would be nothing publicly reminding people to drink responsibly, alcohol advertising essay.

The platforms of alcohol brands play a crucial role in spreading awareness to respect and value moderate alcohol consumption as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. So despite the widespread support for advertising alcohol advertising essay, it is evident that a ban will not suffice, alcohol advertising essay. Bans are crude instruments which can often glamorize the very things that are being alcohol advertising essay. Thus, it is evident that regulating a ban on advertising is not going to achieve the holy grail of fostering a culture of moderate alcohol consumers.

So what is? After the case of General Hudson Gas versus the Public Commission Service in New York City, a list of steps was put in place to evaluate the regulation of commercial speech Hudson.

If the advertisement is lawful and not misleading, there should be no regulation measures taken in pursuit of commercial speech, alcohol advertising essay. Alcohol advertising essay, if alcohol advertising is deemed unethical, then other media outlets like television and movies should also be restricted from exposing audiences to alcohol. It often goes unnoticed that movies and television show especially reality tv have a strong tendency to promote alcohol. There are more unethical things being advertised then alcohol in the United States that need to be regulated and that have more harmful effects.

After the establishment of the General Hudson test, advertisers were required to be more transparent when selling products. This transparency helps to alcohol advertising essay the viewers of these advertisements.

These statues are set in place to help the companies selling and marketing alcoholic beverages do so in an ethical way. Furthermore, the law is a subset of ethics making the first amendment subset of ethics.

In the commission testified to Congress making it clear that evidence between advertising and alcohol consumption is gray and failed to show a relationship Starek It seems that no matter what studies are done to try and prove that alcohol advertising increases consumption professionals are incapable of accurately measuring any relationship that might exist. Without significant scientific evidence that restrictions on alcohol advertising would substantially decrease consumption among youth, alcohol advertising should be protected under the first amendment, alcohol advertising essay.

The companies that use alcohol advertising to sell their products have pledged to comply with one of three voluntary self-regulatory codes designed to limit targeting of teens Federal Trade Commission Research shows that this discrepancy between college students is largely due to the college environment.

In other words, peer pressure to drink because it is the social norm among college students Palmeri When college students make their way out to the nightlife scene it is their friends that are convincing them that they need to blackout. It is the sense of belonging that strives young teens and college students to engage in this risky behavior. Overconsumption of alcohol also includes risky behaviors such as rape, alcohol poisoning, and getting caught up with the law.

The Social Norms Marketing Advertising SNMA is a prevention program where college students were informed about the statistics of drinking norms through media advertisements. The SNMA further demonstrates that it is not alcohol advertising that is leading to abuse among youth but rather it is the social proof of desiring acceptance and belonging.

Therefore, it is evident that parents need to be involved in discussions with their children about alcohol. An adolescent who is born to a parent that is involved and who raises them with a firm foundation of life principals and alcohol advertising essay will stand unshakable in the face of peer pressure because they will be confident in their identity and understanding of the alcohol.

However, parents who are lazy in teaching and guiding their children through lessons such as alcohol and its serious repercussions will likely wind up raising a more troubled adolescent who is confused, uninformed and vulnerable to the option of experimenting with alcohol. Thus, the focus and responsibility needs to transition more into the hands of unqualified parents and off of the media.

Alcohol advertisements are merely doing their job, so parents should do theirs. Conclusion Correlation does not equal alcohol advertising essay. The alcohol consumption rates in America cannot be directly tied to the amount of money used to advertise alcoholic brands.

As stated in the research, there are other factors that affect the amount people drink, the rate at which they drink, and the age they begin to drink, alcohol advertising essay. Creating a ban on advertising for alcohol would not necessarily cause alcohol consumption rates to drop. The regulations in place that advertisers must follow in order to showcase alcoholic brands create a safeguard for the young viewers and reminds audiences to drink responsibly.

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How-to guide for responsible alcohol marketing on YouTube

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Alcohol Advertising and Consumption Essay | BohatALA

alcohol advertising essay

Alcohol and tobacco advertising causes peer pressure to young people and influences them to start smoking and drinking. You can’t even let your child watch TV because of all of the alcohol advertising that is going on. Commercials on TV always are advertising alcohol they talk about how cool it can be but they never say the danger it can bring  · Exposure to alcohol advertising is an everyday occurrence. Alcohol advertising is persuasive not only to adults but to those who are too young to buy alcohol legally. Although parents and peers have a large impact on youth decisions to drink, marketing also has a significant impact by influencing the attitudes of parents and peers and helping to create an environment that promotes underage drinking  · The script was writing essay alcohol advertising and youth written with the three or more ideas and, being in control of a link to the rest of the production most common and damaging flow-stoppers: Ambiguity, repetition and wander off the verbiage, the adornment, the blah blah

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